Durov's ideas were indeed picked up by crypto-enthusiasts. A new team of developers called themselves the TON Foundation. They renamed the project Toncoin. Pavel Durov openly declared his complete non-participation in "TON 2.0" and was happy with the ongoing development of his original ideas.
The availability of open source led to widespread participation of everyone who wished to further implement the project. At the beginning of the new phase, there were several parallel projects, such as FreeTON and the Chinese TON Community. The work in the original testnet2 network was continued by those who called themselves NewTON Blockchain (the first name of TON Foundation).
The new team has no obvious leader, and many interested parties take part in the development. At the same time, Anatoly Makosov and Kirill Emelianenko are named as the main personalities. They were not related to Pavel Durov initially, but were personally acquainted and got access to the source code by direct request.
Over time, Toncoin took shape as a product company. Today the team has about 60 members, including developers, designers, marketers, and business developers. The current connection of this blockchain to Telegram is interesting. After the TON debacle, Pavel Durov launched an alternative monetization plan for his messenger and introduced paid advertising there. Toncoin became the first partner project among blockchains to advertise here.